2024 Excellence in Programming Award

The Excellence in Programming Award recognizes professional(s) or student(s) who have created and implemented a special, unique, and innovative program that has brought special recognition, significant increase in guest/student satisfaction, contributed to the betterment of the community, and/or increased profitability to the member’s property or educational institution. Creativity is key!

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Your first name.

Your last name.

List where you are currently employed.

Please tell us your program goals. Details are key!

Tell us about the feedback from guest/participants. Overall satisfaction.

Please tell us about duration of the program per session and how many times you offered it.

What supplies were required to run this program?

How many participants did you have in the program? We love details so don't be shy.

What kind of promotional materials did you use? How did you use them?

Tell us about the value of the program. How did it enhance your department or company? Did you charge a fee and did you make any profit?

Tell us how you staffed this program.

Please feel free to upload any pictures and marketing materials for review. 

20MB max

Please feel free to upload any pictures and marketing materials for review.

20MB max

Please feel free to upload any pictures and marketing materials for review.

20MB max

Please feel free to upload any pictures and marketing materials for review.

20MB max